Monday, 6 January 2014

Training blog

Hey guys, It’s been a while.

Sorry it’s been so long since my last blog but things have been hectic over these past few months.

Since my last blog it seems like I have done so much. I ran a pb of 1:39:37 at the Belfast Half Marathon, had a relaxing week away in sunny Malta, completed the Armagh 10 mile road race and moved into my new house. Oh yea and I got a Golden Bond place for the London marathon.

To be chosen as a Diabetes Golden Bond runner for the London marathon 2014 means the world to me. Charity places at events like these are few and far between and I am extremely proud and grateful to have received a place. And it’s something I plan to complete to the best of my ability.

I think it’s fair to say I have got the hunger and desire back and I love running again. The later months in 2013 proved to be extremely enjoyable. In 2014 I plan to make my goals reality.

Over the past 6 months training has been going extremely well. I have started running with others which I am really enjoying. I am becoming extremely competitive with myself and my running watch and my times and pace is improving every week.

If you are into running and you don’t have a Garmin running watch then you need to invest in one. They are a serious piece kit and you can connect it up to your computer and get a breakdown of every run you do. As sad as it is I spend at least 30 minutes each week on Garmin Connect looking at statistics to see where and how I can improve on my times.

Over these past 6-8 weeks I have been getting 4-5 good training sessions each week. Training is time consuming but I love every second of it. I feel extremely luck to be fit and healthy and able to train as much as I do. Speed sessions, speed runs, gym work and swimming has been my focus over these past few months. Swimming is something that is completely new to me. Most people learn how to swim at a young age but when I was young I just didn’t like the pool. I find it is perfect for recovery but also good for fitness. I can just about swim a length of the pool. But for someone who hated the water a couple of moths ago I feel this is progress. I feel blessed every day of the week to half such caring and supportive people around me constantly give me training tips and advice. Speed runs are awesome. I have been concentrating on a lot of short distance speed runs lately, 3-4 mile runs at a fast pace. I feel it is good to set yourself goals and targets as part of your training. My goal for the last 6 weeks was to run 3 miles in sub 20 minutes. I was always finishing 3 milers in around 21-22 minutes but I knew deep down I could do better. I was contemplating taking a one week break from training over the Christmas period but I knew if I did my training may take a step back so I decided to train as normal over Christmas and New Year. My legs felt fresh so I thought why stop. Just after Christmas I smashed a 3.07 mile run in 19:52. I am now starting to see the rewards of all he speed work in my longer runs. I ran 8 miles at the start of December in just over 1 hour. I ran the exact same route 4 weeks later (5th January) and came in on 56:46. Almost 5 minutes quicker, now that’s progress. If you are not breathing heavy when running then you are not pushing yourself hard enough. Running hard and relaxing at the same time is a challenge by its self but it’s something I’m getting more comfortable with each run. I take the positives from every single session I do.

Marathon training isn’t about running every day of the week. You have to train smart and look after your body. To train for a marathon you need to be extremely focused, strong minded, highly motivated, mentally and physically tough. 70-80 % of your training is in your head. Look in the mirror, that’s your competition. If you can beat the mind games and get focused then you will achieve your goals will ease. Some days you wake up and the wind and rain is bashing off the window, your natural reaction when you hear weather like that is to pull the duvet over your head and go back to sleep. You don’t get fit for marathons lying in bed. You have to suck it up, get the training kit on and head out. I absolutely love running in the rain. Before every training session I take a minute to myself, relax and remind myself the reasons for doing what I do. Yes, I am putting in some decent times in my runs but deep down it’s not about that. It’s about making my family proud, raising awareness of Diabetes, fundraising and inspiring others to achieve their goals.

My training plan for the coming weeks is to continue with the speed sessions/speed runs and up my distances in my longer runs. And with less than 100 days until the London marathon it’s time to get strict with the diet as well. No more chocolate biscuits.

Natalie, a good friend of mine is also running the London marathon this year. Running is something we both love and it is great to get out for training runs together.  Natalie paced me for the majority of the Belfast half marathon so we are used to running at a similar pace. Her constant advice and support is greatly appreciated. And you never know, I may get her out training in a Diabetes UK t shirt soon enough.

I received my DUK race day t shirt in the post just before Christmas. I am quite sentimental when it comes to stuff like that. To know I will be wearing this t shirt representing Diabetes UK at the London marathon completely overwhelms me. And it’s something I will take huge pride in doing.

The challenge has been set and I am completely focused on what’s ahead of me. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far and thanks to my family and friends for their continued support. And a special thanks to my wonderful girlfriend Nic who is continuing to be a complete rock for me. Her constant love and support is overwhelming and it means the world to me. Training hard means spending time away from loved ones and that for me has to be the hardest part of what I do.

I am planning some fundraising events over the coming months so watch this space. In the meantime donations can be made via the link below or text JTDU85 (amount) to 70070.

In the meantime if you want to follow my training progress via Twitter (@jamietomaselli), Instagram (jamietomaselli) or Facebook (Jamie Tomaselli) then please do so.

Happy 2014 everyone.

Until next time. Keep running.


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